High Troller | Mystery Booster(ミステリーブースター)収録カード

High Troller | Mystery Booster(ミステリーブースター)収録カード

MTG「Mystery Booster」の収録カード

High Troller(R&D Playtest cards)



High Troller
Creature — Troll Shaman
All targeted spells and abilities cost {2} less and have their targets chosen randomly.


  • A spell or ability is targeted if it has one or more targets.
  • If a spell or ability has “any number” of targets or “up to” a given number of targets, first its controller choses how many targets it has. If that number is greater than zero, the targets are chosen randomly.
  • A triggered ability won’t cost less, since there isn’t a triggering cost to reduce, but its targets will be chosen randomly.
  • Targets are chosen only from among legal targets.
  • If a spell or ability has two or more targets where the legality of one or more of those targets depends on what one or more of the other targets are, the targets are chosen at random in the order specified on the card. If choosing one player or object as a target would cause no legal targets to remain for another target, that player or object can’t be randomly chosen.
  • Targeted spells and abilities cost only {2} less, even if they have more than one target.
  • Once a spell or ability has had random targets chosen, a player can’t choose to not finish casting or activating that spell or ability unless there’s no way for the player to complete the process. For example, the player can’t choose to not activate mana abilities to pay for the spell.


MTG「ミステリーブースター」の「R&D Playtest cards」は、マジックフェスト等の大会で使用される「Convention Edition」のパックに限定収録されるカードです。

また、「R&D Playtest cards」はパック15枚中に1枚封入という封入率仕様となっています。

 MTG「ミステリーブースター TEST CARD」カードリストまとめ


捜査の達人、アルキスト・プロスト(Alquist Proft, Master Sleuth) 混沌の守護者、ラクドス(Rakdos, Patron of Chaos) 法の超越者、オレリア(Aurelia, the Law Above) ウォジェクの調査員(Wojek Investigator) 答えの要求 稲妻のらせん