Do-Over | Mystery Booster(ミステリーブースター)収録カード

Do-Over | Mystery Booster(ミステリーブースター)収録カード

MTG「Mystery Booster」の収録カード

Do-Over(R&D Playtest cards)



Restart the turn, except with CARDNAME in exile. (First, return all cards to where they were as the turn began. For information from hidden zones like the hand, reconstruct as best you can, and do the rest at random.)


  • To restart the turn, start with the most recent game action and undo it, then repeat this for each game action taken this turn in reverse chronological order.
  • If any game actions involve randomizing a portion of the library, randomize it again to undo that action.
  • If any cards are put into a library to undo an action and they weren’t known to have moved from a certain position in that library, randomize that library after moving those cards.
  • Any damage undone this way doesn’t count as life gained. Similarly, life gain undone this way doesn’t count as life lost.
  • While restarting the turn, no abilities can trigger. Abilities trigger when something happens, not when something unhappens.


MTG「ミステリーブースター」の「R&D Playtest cards」は、マジックフェスト等の大会で使用される「Convention Edition」のパックに限定収録されるカードです。

また、「R&D Playtest cards」はパック15枚中に1枚封入という封入率仕様となっています。

 MTG「ミステリーブースター TEST CARD」カードリストまとめ


捜査の達人、アルキスト・プロスト(Alquist Proft, Master Sleuth) 混沌の守護者、ラクドス(Rakdos, Patron of Chaos) 法の超越者、オレリア(Aurelia, the Law Above) ウォジェクの調査員(Wojek Investigator) 答えの要求 稲妻のらせん